Showing posts with label fat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fat. Show all posts

Belly Fat Over 40 Is Not Inevitable

How many times have you been told that middle age spread—the weight gain that comes with hitting 40 and beyond—is unavoidable? Well, next time someone starts going on about the inevitable metabolic slowdown, know this: You can turn the ship around. It's not even that hard.
Metabolic slowdown is a real thing. It's due to your muscle mass declining—by up to 8% each decade after age 30 and up to 10% after the big 5-0. "You lose about a half pound of lean muscle every year in your 30s and 40s, and once you hit your 50s, you lose roughly a pound a year," says Wayne Westcott, an exercise physiologist at Quincy College in Boston. Although researchers aren't exactly sure how this